Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences & Research
Sri Amritsar

Faculty Detail - Department of Biochemistry

Professor & Head
  • Qualification: MBBS, MD
  • Department/Division: Biochemistry
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Dr Sahiba Kukreja did MBBS and MD in Biochemistry from GMC Amritsar, and  Diploma in Hospital Management from National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi. Presently she is Professor and Head of Biochemistry at sgrduhs. She is also Laboratory Director, Dean Academics (Undergraduate), MEU Coordinator, Director Department of  Biomedical Research and Member of the postgraduate curriculum committee.

She is adjunct Faculty for advanced course in medical education and Faculty for FAIMER fellowship at MCI nodal centre, CMC Ludhiana FAIMER after being trained there. She underwent  Internal Counselor Program on NABH standards conducted by Quality Council of India, Medical Laboratory Assessor Training Program based on ISO 15189:2012 from Medical Education and Learning Point, and Basic Course in Biomedical Research by ICMR. She also received 3T- IBHSc training for health science faculty under India program of the UNESCO chair Bioethics(HAIFA) of which she is now faculty apart from being Secretary of the unit at sgrduhs.

Dr Kukreja has been appointed Faculty by MCI as observer for revised basic course workshops in other medical colleges in North Zone, apart for being Faculty in the training program of quality management systems for MELAP.

She has published 55 research articles in peer reviewed national and international journals. She has co-authored books entitled ‘Humanities in medical education’,  ‘A Case Oriented Approach Towards Biochemistry’ and ‘Handbook of Biochemistry Spotting’.

  • Qualification: MBBS, MD
  • Department/Division: Biochemistry
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Dr. Jaskiran Kaur did MBBS (1999) from GMC, Amritsar. She served as house surgeon in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at sgrduhs and in CTVS at GMC Amritsar in 2003-4. She did MD (2008) in Biochemistry from GMC, Amritsar. She joined sgrduhs as faculty thereafter, and is presently Professor  of Biochemistry.

She underwent the training programme on medical laboratories quality management system and internal audit as per ISO 15189 conducted by Health Education and Learning Protocols and its implementation program as per ISO 15189:2012. She did the revised basic course workshop followed by the sensitization program for ATCOM.  She did a 3T-IBHSc training course for health science faculty – the Indian program of the UNESCO chair in bioethics (Haifa) and is a member of its international network. She went to National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi for diploma course in Hospital Management. She has also done  the IAP- Basic Life Support course and online course on research methodology under MEU india.

Dr Jaskiran has been appointed as external examiner in many undergraduate and postgraduate examinations, and has guided many post graduate and PhD students. She participated as chairperson, panelist and resource person in many conferences and has 12 international and 6 national publications in indexed journals. She is a life member of Association of Medical Biochemists of India.

She is an internal counselor on implementation of NABH hospital standards and is the technical manager of the NABL accredited central biochemistry lab. She is the convenor of the website committee of the institution.


  • Qualification: MBBS, MD
  • Department/Division: Biochemistry
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Dr. Neha Uppal did her MBBS (2006) and MD (2011) in Biochemistry from GMC, Amritsar. Presently she is Professor of Biochemistry at sgrduhs.

She underwent the training programme on medical laboratories quality management system and internal audit as per ISO 15189 conducted by Health Education and Learning Protocols and its implementation program as per ISO 15189:2012. She did MCI advance course and AETCOM in Medical Education, as well as Basic Course in Biomedical Research by ICMR. She also completed Post graduate Diploma in Hospital Management and Diploma in Clinical Research from Symbiosis, Pune. She attended the Internal Counselor Program on NABH standards conducted by Quality Council of India,

Dr Uppal has been appointed as an external examiner in undergraduate examinations and has guided many postgraduate students. She has published 20 research articles in peer reviewed national and international journals. She is a life member of Association of Medical Biochemists of India.

She is Quality Manager of the Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory, MEU member, and nodal officer for Paramedical courses of the institution.


  • Qualification: MBBS, MD
  • Department/Division: Biochemistry
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Dr. Anju Sharma did her MBBS (2000), from JSSMC, Mysore, and MD (2013) in Biochemistry from sgrduhs. She is presently Associate Professor of Biochemistry.

She completed the training programme in Medical Laboratory Quality Management System and Internal Audit as per ISO 15189:2012 NABL and its Implementation program as per ISO 15189:2012. She has also attended the  Internal Counselor Program on NABH standards conducted by Quality Council of India, Basic Course in Biomedical Research by ICMR along with MCI Advanced Course and AETCOM in Medical Education. She completed Diploma in Hospital Management and  Diploma in Clinical Research from Symbiosis, Pune. She has also completed a certificate course in Evidence Based Diabetes Management, and workshop in Palliative Care.

Dr Sharma has been appointed as an external examiner in undergraduate examinations. She has published 17 research articles in peer reviewed national and international journals. She is a life member of Association of Medical Biochemists of India.

She is Deputy Technical Manager (Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory) and MEU member of the institution.


Associate Professor
  • Qualification: MSc, Ph.D. Med. Biochemistry
  • Department/Division: Biochemistry
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Dr Jyot Amrita did PhD (2019) in Medical Biochemistry from Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot. She worked as Biochemist in MSSCH and lecturer in SGRDIDSR. Served as Biochemist, Tutor and Assistant Professor in sgrduhs till 2019. Presently, she is Associate Professor of Biochemistry.

She did a UGC sponsored course on Analysis of Biological Data (2012) and two Research Methodology courses (2013, 2014). She completed the Implementation Training Programme on Quality Management System and Internal Audit in Medical Laboratories as per NABL (2014) and a Hands-on workshop in Laboratory Medicine (2014). She also did Basic Course workshop in Medical Education Technologies (2015), AHA-Basic Life Support (BLS) course (2019). and Certificate Course on NABH Accreditation Standards for Hospitals (2019).

Dr Jyot Amrita has attended more than 40 National and International Conferences/Workshops/CMEs and has presented oral/poster papers in 13 scientific programs as resource faculty / delegate.  She has 6 research publications in National and International indexed journals and has received a certificate of excellence for reviewing manuscripts of 8 National and International indexed journals. She has more than 30 years of teaching as well as clinical experience.


Associate Professor
  • Qualification: MBBS MD
  • Department/Division: Biochemistry
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  • Qualification: PhD, Med. Biochemistry
  • Department/Division: Biochemistry
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Dr. Mandeep Kaur did her PhD (2023) in  Medical Biochemistry. Presently she is Assistant Professor in the Department of Biochemistry at sgrduhs.

She completed Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technologies (2015),  Online Research Methodology Course (2016) and Online Course on Curriculum Designing (2017) by MEU India,  Revised Basic Course workshop followed by the sensitization program for AETCOM (2018), IAP Basic Life Support Course (2019) and  Basic Course in Biomedical Research by ICMR (2020).

Mrs Mandeep  completed the Implementation Training programme on Quality Management system and Internal Audit in Medical Laboratories as per ISO 15189:2012 NABL ( 2016) and 3T-IBHSc training course for Health Science faculty – the Indian program of the UNESCO chair in bioethics (Haifa) (2018). She has attended more than 30 National and International Conferences and Workshops till date.


  • Qualification: M.Sc P.hd.
  • Department/Division: Biochemistry
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  • Qualification: M.Sc (Medical Biochemistry)
  • Department/Division: Biochemistry
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  • Qualification: M.Sc.
  • Department/Division: Biochemistry
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