Anaesthesia Anatomy Biochemistry Chest & TB Community Medicine Dermatology Dietetics & Nutrition Emergency Medicine ENT Forensic Medicine Genetics Medicine Microbiology Obstetrics & Gynaecology Ophthalmology Orthopaedics Pathology Pediatrics Pharmacology Physiology Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Medicine Psychiatry Radiology Radiotherapy SurgeryDepartment of Community Medicine - Research
- Sahni P, Kaur H, Devgun P, Kaur A. Treatment seeking behavior and compliance regarding Anti rabies vaccine among animal bite patients in Anti Rabies clinic , at District Hospital Amritsar, Punjab. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. 2024;15(3):332-9.
- Manisha Nagpal. “Palliative Care in India - The Need of an Hour". PriMera Scientific Medicine and Public Health 2024; 4.2: 01-02. DOI: 10.56831/PSMPH-04-116 ISSN: 2833-5627.
- Sanyogita,Tejbir Singh, S S Deepti. Factors Determining place of delivery in rural Punjab: A cross sectional study. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. 2024;15(1):324-9.
- Gill RR, Devgun P,Nagpal M. Prevalence and factors influencing Pursuit of higher education abroad among medical interns in India.Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development.2024;15(4) Accepted for publication
- Kaur H,Gupta S ,Birgi HS.Verbal Autopsy Of A Maternal Death In Rural Area Of Punjab India .AMEI’s Curr Trends Diagn Treat .(Ahead of Print)
- Joshi P, Kaur H, Devgun P. Perception of care givers regarding danger signs of illness and practices followed in young infants (0–2 months) as per IMNCI at selected areas of Amritsar, Punjab: A qualitative study. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 12(2):p 305-312, February 2023. | DOI: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_1542_2
- Singh H, Devgun P, Nagpal M, Bindra P, Kaur M, Mehta A. Role of Dietary Management and Physical Activity in Control of Hypertension in Rural Areas of Punjab-A Cross-sectional Study. Indian J Comm. Health. 2023; 35 (2): 199- 204
- Sadana P, Devgun P. Artificial Intelligence in Public Health: Facts and Hyperboles. AMEI’s Curr Trends Diagn Treat 2023;7(1):7–10.
- Sharma M, Devgun P, Sharma A.Burden of care on family caregivers of patients of gastrointestinal cancers in a tertiary care institute.Indian J Comm Health. 2023; 35(3) :359-63.
- Kaur H, Singh RR. Caregiver’s satisfaction regarding immunization services in a tertiary care Institute, Punjab. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2023;10(1):22-7
- Nagpal M, Kukreja S, Chawla S. Teaching and assessing communication skills as an element of early clinical exposure (ECE) in first year medical students. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2023;10(1):33-7
- Kaur A, Singh J. A Study of Training Needs Assessment of Doctors and Nurses in a Tertiary Care Hospital: A cross sectional study in Punjab, India. J Community Health Research 2022; 11(3): 175 -182 .
- Nagpal M, Singh H, Chawla S, Khunger N, Chawla N, Devgun P. Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme for Tuberculosis Patients –Performance Challenges observed by the Providers and Patients.Indian J Comm Health. 2022;34(1):72-77.
- Sharma M, Devgun P, Gill KK, Kaur A, Kaur S. Perceptions, attitude, practices and barriers to evidence based medicine among practitioners of clinical medicine in a tertiary care institute, Punjab, India. J Evid Based Med HealtC 2021;8(7):350-354. DOI:10.18410/jebmh/2021/68
- Devgun P, Gill KPK, Kaur A. The stressors and Mental Health during COVID Pandemic in Punjab, India- A Cross-sectional Study. AnnCommunityHealth2021;9(1):144-147
- Brar APS, Devgun S, Singh H, Brar DPS. Prevalence of chronic energy deficiency in ethnic adult Punjabi population according to weight for height criteria. Ann Community Health 2021; 9(2): 19-23
- Devgun P, Devgan S, Singh H, Singh S, Singh A. Impact of covid 19 on continuity of essential health services in various health care institutions in district Amritsar, Punjab, India. J Community Health Manag 2021;8(3):124-127.
- Nagpal M, Kaur H, Sadana P, Kaur M. Impact of Coronavirus Disease-19 Pandemic on Mental Health of Housewives - A Cross-sectional Study. Ann Community Health 2020;8(4):3-7.
- Kaur A, Devgun P, Gill KP. A Cross-sectional Study to Assess the Knowledge, Attitude and Practices about Organ Donation among the Medical Students of Punjab. Ann Community Health 2020;8(4):130-134.
- Gill KP, Devgun P, Kaur A. Impact of Women Empowerment on Infant Mortality Rate - Spatial Lag and Error Regression Model. European Journal of Medical and Health Sciences;2(6):1-4.
- Sadana P, Nagpal M, Kaur H. Impact of Coronavirus Disease-19 Pandemic on the Academics of Adolescents of Amritsar City. Ann Community Health 2020;8(4):30-34.
- Singh H, Mahajan SL, Kaur S, Kahlon A. Epidemiological Study of Swine Flu (H1N1) in Punjab in Year 2018. Ann Community Health 2020;8(4):163-167.
- Sadana P, Verma V, Nagpal M. A study on predictors of treatment outcome among children registered under DOTS in district Tarn Taran, Punjab. Indian J Comm Health. 2020;32(2): 399-403
- Sadana P, Nagpal M. Kaur S. Awareness of oral hygiene among government school children in a rural area of Amritsar Punjab- A Cross- sectional study. Annals of Comm Health. 2020;8(2): 41-5
- Devgan S, Sharma N, Singh N. A study to assess various problems experienced due to different combinations of substance abuse among substance abusers in urban slums of Amritsar city. Annals of Comm Health. 2020;8(2):56-61
- Devgan S, Singh N. A study to assess the perceivability of ill effects of drug indulgence among substance abusers in urban slums of Amritsar city. Annals of Comm Health. 2020;8(1):6-10
- Bansal K, Shambhavi, Devgan S. A study of knowledge and practices among adolescents girls regarding menstruation in government schools of Amritsar. Int J Inno Sci Res Tech.2019;4(11):634-7
- Gill KP, Devgun P. Socio demographic factors affecting child mortality in slums of Amritsar city (Punjab), India Int. J. Adv. Community Med. 2019; 2(1) : 56-8
- Gill KP, Devgun P. Assessment of breast feeding practices and its contributing factors in slums of Amritsar city (Punjab), India. Int. J. Adv. Community Med. 2019; 2(1): 53-5
- Nagpal M, Chawla S, Devgun P, Kaur H, Chawla N. Profile of Children Suffering from HIV/AIDS in Amritsar, Punjab- A Cross-Sectional Study. Natl J Community Med 2019; 10(4):223-227
- Nagpal M, Chawla S, Devgun P, Chawla N. Socio-demographic determinants of treatment outcome in multidrug resistant tuberculosis cases registered under programmatic management of drug resistant tuberculosis services in Amritsar, Punjab. Int J Community Med Public Health 2019;6:2688-93
- Nagpal M, Chawla N, Devgun P. Effect of Depression on Treatment Outcome in Multi- Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Patients Under Programmatic Management of Drug Resistant TB Services in Amritsar, Punjab. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 2019 July; 10(7): 437-42
- Nagpal M, Kaur A, Chawla N, Devgun P. Awareness of HIV/AIDS among Drug users Visiting Government Run Out-patient Opioid Assisted Treatment (OOAT) centre in Amritsar city, Punjab. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development August 2019; 10(8): 248-53
- Sadana P, Gill KP, Devgun P. A study to access the nutritional status of women in slums of Amritsar City (Punjab), India.International Journal of Advanced Community Medicine 2019; 2(3): 21-23
- Kaur A, Singh J, Kaur H, Kaur H, Devgun P. Study of Sociodemographic factors affecting infant feeding practices in an Urban area of Punjab. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 2019;10(2):119-23
- Kaur A, Kaur H, Kaur H, Devgun P. A cross sectional study to assess the knowledge about prevention and home management of diarrhoea among the mothers of under five children in an urban area of Amritsar, Punjab. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development,2019;10(7):415-21
- Singh H, Devgan S, Devgun P, Mahajan SL. An Epidemiological Study regarding KAP of known hypertensives in rural Amritsar. Int J Comm Health Med Res 2019; 5(3):130-6.
- Mahajan SL. Highlights of Recent Advances of Internal and Emergency Medicine. Int J Intern Emerg Med. 2019: 2(1): 1020
- Kahlon A, Mahajan SL. Addiction like Behaviour of Mobile Phone Using Medical Students of Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Sri Amritsar. Arch Epidemiol. 2019:Â 3: 1031. DOI 10.29011/2577-2252.101031
- Kaur H, Mahajan S L. Dengue cases Treated in Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Amritsar in Year 2016. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2019; 10(2): 159-64
- Mahajan SL, Brar APS , Mahajan K, Kaur H. Epidemiological Profile of Dengue Cases Reported in District Amritsar in Year 2017: Deterioration in Quality of Data Collection. Adv Prev Med Health Care 2: 111. DOI: 10.29011/APMHC- 111.000011
- Devgan S, Singh H, Sharma N. A Study To Assess The Prevalence And Pattern Of Substance Abuse In Urban Slums Of Amritsar City. HECS Int J Comm Health Med Res 2019; 5(3):92-99
- Devgan S, Singh H, Brar APS. A study to assess various factors that encouraged substance indulgence amongst substance abusers in urban slums of Amritsar city. Int J Advanced Comm Med. 2019; 2(3): 7-11
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