Anaesthesia Anatomy Biochemistry Chest & TB Community Medicine Dermatology Dietetics & Nutrition Emergency Medicine ENT Forensic Medicine Genetics Medicine Microbiology Obstetrics & Gynaecology Ophthalmology Orthopaedics Pathology Pediatrics Pharmacology Physiology Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Medicine Psychiatry Radiology Radiotherapy SurgeryDepartment of Pediatrics - Research
- Narang N, Kumar A, Singh H, Narang GS. Comparison of Procalcitonin With C-Reactive Protein In Early Diagnosis of Neonatal Sepsis: A Cross-sectional study. European Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine. 2024 May; 14(3):437-444.
- Kaur H, Charan GS, Kaur R, Narang GS, Khurana MS. Comparison of breastfeeding, music therapy, and oral sucrose’s impact on pain relief among infants during pentavalent vaccination. J Edu Health Promot 2024; 13:49
- Kaur T, Arora S, Kumar N, Uppal N, Narang GS. Presepsin as a Diagnostic Biomarker for the Detection of Early-Onset Sepsis in Preterm Neonates Journal of Perinatology 2024;25 (1):
- Charan GS, Kalia R, Khurana MS, Narang GS. From Screens to Sunshine: Rescuing Children’s Outdoor Playtime in the Digital Era. Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 2024;20(1):11-17.
- Charan GS, Khurana MS, Narang GS. Impact of Analytics Applying Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning on Enhancing Intensive Care Unit: A Narrative Review. Journal of Galician medical journal “Online First”, e-GMJ2023-A06 DOI: 10.21802/e-GMJ2023-A06
- Charan GS, Khurana MS, Kalia R. Wearable Technology: How Healthcare is Changing Forever. Journal of Chitwan Medical College.2023;13(45):111-13.
- Charan GS, Charan AS, Kalia R, Khurana MS, Narang GS. Impact of Analytics Applying Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning on Enhancing Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Galician Medical Journal. 2023Nov.6; 30(3):e-GMJ2023-
- Narang N, Narang GS, Handa TK, Singh G, Kumar N, Kumar A, Anand AK, Narang SK. To Study the Clinical Outcome of Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Preterm Neonates. European Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine 2023;13 (2):
- Narang GS, Mittal R, Kumar N, Kaur J, Kumar A, Narang N. Correlation of lipid profile and serum ferritin in β- Thalassemia patients. European Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine 2023;13 (1):
- Arora S Girdhar P, Narang GS, Kakkar S. Neonatal Outcomes in Mothers with Preeclampsia. European Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine 2023;13 (1):
- Singh G, Handa TK, Narang GS, Sharma NK. Vitamin D level preterm neonates and its relationship with APGAR score. European Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine 2023;13 (1):
- Narang GS, Malhotra P, Puri R, Kumar A. Screening for Latent and Active Tuberculosis in Paediatric Contacts of Tuberculosis Patients: A Cross-sectional Study.Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2023 Jun, Vol-17(6): SC05-SC09
- Kumar N, Malhotra P, Kaur S, Kaur G. Cord Blood Lactate Level: A Predictor of Neonatal Mortality in Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension. PERINATOLOGY. 2023;24 (1):
- Kumar N, Malhotra P, Kaur Bagga A, Kaur G. Incidence and Risk Factors Association for Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Journal of Nepal Paediatric Society, 2022:42(1), 69-73.
- Arora S, Narang GS, Kaur T. Congenital Chylothorax as a cause of nonimmune Hydrops. I Nepal Paediatr Soc
- Arora S, Kaur T, Singh Rana H. Chylolymphatic Cyst - Presenting as Acute Intestinal Obstruction – A Case Report. Journal of Nepal Paediatric Society, 2022: 42(1), 154–156.
- Kaur S, Pal Singh K. Anaemia In Pareschool Children: its Correlation With Pica. J. Nepal Paedtr. Soc. 2022 Nov. 27 [ 11];42(1):8-12
- Arora S, Kaur T, Rana HS. Chylomphatic Cyst-Presenting as Acute Intestinal obstruction. J Nepal Paediatr Soc 2022; 42(01).
- Kumar N, Malhotra P, Kaur Bagga A. & Kaur G. Incidence and Risk Factors Association for Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. J Nepal Paediatr Soc 2022;:42(1): 69-73.
- Arora S, Narang GS, Kaur T. Congenital Chylothorax as a cause of nonimmune hydrops: A Case Report. I Nepal Paediatr Soc 2022;12 (01)
- Narang G. S., Kaur K, Singh G. Kumar A Retinopathy of Prematurity in Neonates with Unstable Clinical Course. Asian Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Clinical Research. 2022;15(9):145-8
- Kumar A, Yadav M, Charan GS, Sarangal P. Total and differential leucocyte count in healthy newborns.Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2022:15(9);54-58,
- Khera D, Toteja N, Singh S, Kumar P, Sharma P, Singh K. Is There a Role of Presepsin as a Novel Biomarker in Pediatric Sepsis?. Indian J Crit Care Med 2022; 26 (6):712-716.
- Khera D, Toteja N, Singh S, Diel S, Singh K, Chugh A, Singh S. The Role of Presepsin as a Biomarker of Sepsis in Children: A systemic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal Pediatric Intensive Care
- Kaur S, Singh K. Early-Onset Neonatal Sepsis: Role of C-Reactive Protein, Micro-ESR, and Gastric Aspirate for Polymorphs as Screening Markers. International Journal of Pediatrics. 2021;8(6) 70992.
- Mehra B, Sabharwal R, Sachdev A, Kumar P, Mehta R, Gupta N. Successful Use of Inhalational Anesthesia and Electroconvulsive Therapy in a Child with New Onset Prolonged Super-Refractory Status Epilepticus. Journal of Pediatric Epilepsy. Published online 02 December 2021.
- Mehra B, Aggarwal V, Wardhan H, Dugaya SK. Severe jejunitis masquerading as intussusception in a case of Henoch-Schönlein purpura. S Afr J Surg. 2021;59(1):28d-28e.
- Charan GS, Narang GS, Kaur A, Kaur E. Dandy-Walker variant associated with bilateral congenital cataract. Int A App Basic Med Res 2021;11:277-279.
- Kaur T, Vig VK, Kaur I, Arora S. Fungal choroidal abscess in a case of aggressive retinopathy of prematurity. J Clin Ophthalmol Res 2021;9:132-6.
- Arora S, Kaur A. Neurological presentation of Wilson's disease without overt hepatic involvement. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2021;8(3):1-3.
- Kaur S. Kumar N. Impact of pregnancy induced hypertension on anthropometric measurements of a newborn at birth. Global Journal for research Analysis 2021;10(4):1-3.
- Kumar N, Chhabra GS, Malhotra P, Kaur G. Comparison of Mortality Rates between Late Preterm and Term Neonates.Perinatology 2021;2(22):64-68.
- Chhabra GS, Grover AS, Kaur G. Chronic retained esophageal foreign body: A case Report. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2021;8: (2)383-5.
- Kaur K, Singh G. Screening of Neonates for Retinopathy of Prematurity and Identifying the Risk Factors in a Tertiary Care Centre in Northern India. Global Journal for research Analysis 2021;10(4):1-3.
- Sidhu AK, Malhotra P. Outcome of Low birth weight neonates with relation to early anemia. Global Journal for research Analysis 2021;10(5):1-3.
- Kaur S, Singh K. Role of C-Reactive Protein and Immature to Total Neutrophil Ratio in Early Onset Neonatal Sepsis. Indian Journal of Neonatal Medicine and Research. 2021; 9(1): 6
- Kaur S, Singh KP. Role of C-reactive protein and gastric aspirate polymorphs in early onset neonatal sepsis. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2021;8 (6).987-992.
- Mehra B, Pandey M, Gupta D, Oberoi T, Jerath N, Sharma R, et al. COVID-19 associated Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children: A Multicentric Retrospective Cohort Study. Indian J Crit Care Med 2021;25(10):1174-1180.
- Mehra B, Aggarwal V, Kumar P, et al. MIS-C is a Clinically Different Entity from Acute COVID-19 in Adults. Indian J Crit Care Med. 2021;25(8):954-955.
- Chitkara S, Kaur R, Mehra B, Chitkara AJ. Fungal Infections in Children: A Simplified Approach. Pediatr Inf Dis 2021; 3 (1):26-32
- Deep G, Singh G, Thapar K. Comparison of determinants of morbidities of late preterms and terms. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2020;7:814-19.
- Kaur K, Thapar K, Malhotra P. Cord lipid profile comparison of newborns of hypertensive mothers. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2020;7: 1038-42.
- Ashiana S, Gurmeet S. Effects of Probiotics on stool frequency in term newborns. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2020;1256-9.
- Kaur G, Arora S, Singh K, Singh M, Kaur A. Prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in neonatal population. Int. J Contemp Pediatr 2020;7:1519-23.
- Kumar H, Khurana MS, Charan GS Knowledge and perception of health professionals towards COVID-19. Int J Health Sci Res. 2020;10(7):123-129.
- Malhotra P, Gupta P. Epidemiology of Viral infections in tropics. In: Shah. C.R (1st Ed) IAP Textbook of Tropical Diseases. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers;2020. 303-08.
- Arora S, Kaur G. Atypical presentation of congenital diaphragmatic hernia: Case report. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2019;6:2228-30.
- Malhotra P, Thapar K, Kaur G. Predictors of mortality among neonates transported to tertiary care centre. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2019;6(3):1321-4.
- Kumar A, Narang GS, Singh G, et al. Clinico-epidemiological spectrum of early onset neonatal sepsis in neonates admitted in NICU of a tertiary care institute. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2019; 6(3):1046-51.
- Kumar A, Narang GS, Singh G, et al. Comparison of the effectiveness of oral sucrose solution and topical anaesthetics during immunization in infants between age 6 weeks- 6 months. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2019;6(3):1008-13.
- Kaur TP, Narang GS, Ashiana S. Neonatal chylothorax. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2019;6(3):1406-9.
- Kumar A, Narang GS, Singh G, et al. Association of vitamin D deficiency with early onset in term neonates. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2019;6(2):440-4
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