Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences & Research
Sri Amritsar

Department of Genetics

Genetic diseases and congenital malformations are emerging at an alarming rate in developing countries like India & are becoming a significant health burden. To counter this new scenario, medical services, need to be integrated with genetic services, thus creating a need for adequate and effective genetic testing and counselling services in our country.

To achieve this goal Department of Genetics at Sri Guru Ram Das University of Health Sciences, Sri Amritsar, has been established.  The department has its first molecular genetics laboratory which houses all advanced research equipment and technology which can diagnose the genetic basis of various diseases/disorders. Department is also conducting research in medical fields in collaboration with all clinical departments of university hospital.


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Sri Guru Ram Das Institute Of Medical Sciences & Research
Mehta Road, PO Vallah, Amritsar - 143501
Punjab, India.

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